Returns, Replacement

  • We have a customer friendly return policy and accept returns within 7 days from the date of delivery for any reason.
  • COD – cash on delivery service is available.
    Same shipping charges Rs.50 will be applicable for COD.
  • For returns or replacements of products, customer should send a photo/ image of the items via email or what’s app within 24 hours from the date you received the order.
  • For the returns, both ways shipping is to be borne by the buyer.
  • Products has to be returned with its original packaging.
  • The returns will not be accepted if the product is damaged.
  • After examining the returned product, we will send you confirmation of replacement or refunds.
  • Replacement depends upon availability of identical piece and substituted with a piece of comparable value.


  • Once we receive your request, our executive will review your case and will give you an amicable solution.
You will have below option for your refunds: -
Refund to your Bank by Payment Gateway within 5 to 10 days from the date of authorization.
  • Sayuri Gift Card for the order amount plus additional Rs.100 can be used for any future purchase at, gift card will be issue within a 3 days.